Collaborators from Cooperfrigu are honored for International Women’s Day

A date dedicated to the recognition of the struggles, achievements and importance of women in society. To show women’s value and greatness and to celebrate International Women’s Day, Cooperfrigu honored its collaborators on Thursday morning, March 8th, in the cooperative’s leisure area.

During the event, the company raffled gifts and distributed souvenirs to employees. In her speech, Human Resources manager Kathia Sirlene spoke about the importance of women’s presence in the various departments of the company and highlighted the competence of women in the execution of day-to-day tasks.

“It’s the day of the women who have been chosen to make a difference, those who take care of a special son, who has a mission much more arduous than ours and is here every day working, fighting. It is the day of the woman who fights for social justice in the country, who suffers from violence and, above all, is there every day fighting to win. We will continue to fight, we will continue to win, because each of us here has a warrior inside us”, said the manager of Human Resources.

Directed to the male public, the manager left her message with diverse tips of consideration to the feminine conquests. “Cherish the women who exist in your life. Who are these women? Mothers, wives, girlfriends, daughters. One thing is certain, inside your house there is a warrior. Many thanks to you and congratulations to all the women”, she said.

Cooperfrigu’s vice president, Aelton Camargo de Oliveira, described the date as “beautiful” and recalled that it should be celebrated every day. “Women’s day is not just today. Today is the celebration because it really is a special moment. Indeed women, from a few years to now, if we take the history of humanity, has been gaining its space in society as a professional and as a person”, he said.

“I want to congratulate all of you for this day, not only you Cooperfrigu, but all the women of Gurupi, all the women of Tocantins, wives, daughters, mothers so that they can be growing even more as a person, human beings and professionals. Congratulations to all of you! May they continue to be engaged and growing, more and more, in society”, Aelton congratulated.

According to the psychologist Márcia Resplandes, Cooperfrigu’s collaborators play a fundamental role in the company’s achievements. “Today is a very special date because it represents the struggle for the conquest of our space of how much we contribute as a person, woman, wife, daughter and professional. At this moment we congratulate the warriors, determined and victorious for our day”, she celebrated.


By George Henrique


Translated by Rhaisa Prestes

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